Jerome Williams Visits Canada – Dunk For Diabetes

The other week president of the Young3, Jerome Williams went up to Canada to talk to a whole bunch of kids. His goal was to stress the importance of being healthy and not getting diabetes.

His first stop was in Vancouver, a great city that desperately needs the NBA back. His second stop was in Halifax where it was freezing cold! Jerome spoke to the kids at each camp, gave them fruit of their liking in appropriate serving sizes, signed autographs, and played basketball with them. It’s so important for these young kids to stay fit and healthy so they can avoid diseases like diabetes and heart diseases, Jerome really stressed the importance of this to them.


These events were hosted by Sun Life Financial Canada, and were called the Dunk For Diabetes. The Raptors and NBA Fit were also involved with this event as well as the Young3 on Jerome’s behalf. It is a very good thing that Jerome goes out of his way to pave the way for the younger kids so they can be healthy and successful and then they can return the favor and educate the next generation like Jerome did.


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