Las Vegas Rescue Mission – Toy Drive

This past Saturday Jerome Williams, his family, and some members from the Champions Basketball Network headed out to the Las Vegas Rescue Mission to give back to the community.

With Christmas right around the corner, the event was made to help less fortunate families receive gifts for the holidays. They were all greeted with smiles, given snacks to eat, toys for the young ones, and blankets for everybody.

Jerome was making sure everybody had a great time, he made good conversation with everybody there and wanted all guests to feel welcome. His son, Jeremiah ran down gifts for kids and handed them out. His parents attended the event as well, helping in anyway they could and were so proud of their son for helping the community out in a big way. Jerome’s brother, Joshua also attendees and helped in anyway he could.

In addition to Jerome and his family, Bryan Burrell and I attended the event as well because we wanted to make a positive impact on the community this holiday season. It was satisfying to see all the happy faces and kids just wondering what their present could be, staring at it for quite a while.

It’s a very good thing that Jerome goes out of his way to do these charity events. He’s helping the less fortunate but he’s also helping many others. Other professional athletes should look at what Jerome does and do the same things. Use your platform for good and change peoples lives in the best way possible.

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