Game Ready Therapy Machine Treatment in Las Vegas
Learn About the Game Ready Therapy Machine from Game Changer Sports Recovery
Similar to GCSR’s Rapid Reboots treatment, the Game Ready Therapy Machine uses compression, but this time in conjunction with cold therapy, in order to help reduce swelling and inflammation while increasing blood circulation in the body for ultimate sports rehabilitation in Las Vegas.
To use the Game Ready Therapy Machine, the device should be applied to the body part requiring treatment (legs, shoulder, back, ankle, knee, or wrist), which will begin the process of increased blood flow and reduced swelling.
GCSR’s Game Ready Therapy Machine is a highly beneficial treatment method for increasing body recovery, reducing swelling, and improving muscle strength through promoted blood circulation.

Devin Petterson, Teacher/Coach:
“Body maintenance and recovery is of the utmost importance. If you are not able to recover, or maintain your strength or mobility, you’re gonna have a hard time competing the next day, the next practice. Body maintenance is key.
The Game Ready machine was awesome. I love the compression that we have with our Rapid Reboots, but [the Game Ready Therapy Machine] actually has the compression along with the cold that I like from an ice bath.
This device, the Game Ready, has both: cold and compression, which is amazing. You feel great while you’re in there, and even better after you’re done.”
Game Changers Sports Recovery
6230 S Decatur Blvd, Unit #200
Las Vegas, NV, USA 89118
(702) 410-5696