Rapid Reboots Treatment in Las Vegas
Learn About the Rapid Reboots Treatment from Game Changer Sports Recovery
Athletes are no stranger to regular workouts, training, and even flying — which are all activities known to impact the muscles through a decrease in blood flow and circulation. Fortunately, GCSR’s Rapid Reboots acts as effective massaging tool to provide a necessary boost in blood flow to the areas experiencing problems.
Typically used for the legs, arms and hips, the body parts requiring treatment will be placed in the Rapid Reboots machine to help increase blood flow and restore health and vitality to the muscles.
GCSR’s Rapid Reboots is a truly effective method of sports rehab used to promote body recovery and muscle performance through increased circulation. Through these provided benefits, it’s also known to promote anti-aging in addition to overall health and wellness.

Romeo Acosta, Pro Boxer, Las Vegas:
“Boxing requires a lot of energy and a lot of hard work, and it needs a lot of recovery. One of my recovery stages for my legs is I use the Rapid Reboot … What it does is it gives a lot of pressure on my legs, and when I’m done, I’m ready to go 10 times harder.”
Regal Minyard, Track Coach, Las Vegas:
“The Rapid Reboot was a really interesting experience — it actually squeezes pretty tight! … But you really do feel just the release and pressure immediately afterwards. So once the boots are off, you do feel your legs are fully recovered. It makes you feel like you can just go out and do another leg workout.”
Game Changers Sports Recovery
6230 S Decatur Blvd, Unit #200
Las Vegas, NV, USA 89118
(702) 410-5696