The Combine

There is so much to be excited about when talking about The Combine — Las Vegas’ newest basketball training facility. A combination of the newest technology, incredible and personable trainers and affordable prices make The Combine the ultimate in a basketball training facility.

The Combine has three basketball courts and ten baskets. Two of the baskets have color-coated backboards which helps the athlete know exactly where to aim his layup or shot. Kyrie Irving uses these color coated backboards to help with his finishing at the rack. This is indeed a very useful training tool. The Combine also features The Dr. Dish shooting gun which keeps track of the athletes shooting % and also passes the ball back to them after shooting. No more shagging balls thanks to Dr. Dish. Another innovative component of The Combine is the Laser station. This tool is essentially a video game that helps the athletes with their dribbling. Think of Guitar Hero and that’s basically what you have here except for dribbling. Another amazing training tool is the Xtraman… A dummy defender that can be placed anywhere on the court and be used to contest the shooter or be used as a cone so the athlete can dribble around it. Dribbling past a human-sized defender will definitely prepare you for games more than a cone ever could. The Combine also features the Noah tool… A shooting system that helps track shots with the goal of building muscle memory for your shot and improve shooting %’s and consistency. There’s a station that features red dots on the floor to help with footwork, triple threat, dribbling and all that good stuff.

While skills is an important part of game development the Combine certainly does not ignore conditioning as strength and conditioning is a big part of The Combine as well. They have treadmills, medicine balls, and punching bags to help keep athletes as fit as possible. In addition to those there is also a Vertimax tool that helps let you know how much energy you are exerting. All the pros use this tool including the King himself, Lebron James. There’s a total of 26 stations for these athletes to train with!

Jerome “Junkyard Dog” Williams was instrumental in bringing Reeltime Coaching, Gametime Scoreboard, and Realwear into the Combine. These were tools that were used at Young3 events last season. Jerome’s friends at Ageless Cryotherapy & Wellness helped out and sent some of their great training tools to The Combine.

Pricing ranges from $69.99 to $199.99. Each membership is good for 6 months and also gives you access to open gym which usually occurs on the weekend. A daily pass costs $39.99. And don’t worry about your kids slacking on their schoolwork, The Combine features a homework room for them to study together, help each other, and excel in the classroom.

This is surely an exciting team for young boys and girls with aspirations in Basketball as nothing like The Combine has ever been available right here in Las Vegas. It is easily the best place to train for anybody who dreams of one day playing basketball in college or the pros or for those who simply enjoy the game. All the tools and training methods here are used and recommended by the pros and it won’t be long until The Combine is a major training facility. Take advantage of this amazing opportunity.

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