What’s The Game Plan?

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THE GAME PLAN is a new podcast highlighting athletes’ business ventures beyond the field of play. We will speak with professional athletes past and present to discover the ways they leverage their public platform to unlock the value of their cultural influence outside the world of sports.

In addition to chatting with retired players about the transition into their post-playing careers, we’ll speak with current athletes, from rookies to veterans, about how they prepare for the days after they hang up their cleats, and how they plan to define the next chapter.

Our goal is for fans, other athletes, and future business partners alike to see our guests in a new light and to understand what makes them “more than an athlete”.


Jay Kapoor and Tim Katt are New York-based VC Investors with deep networks and relationships across the sports, media and technology ecosystems.

Katt is the co-founder of TACK Ventures, an early-stage VC firm based in Brooklyn, focused on investing in game-changers across sports, media, lifestyle, and entertainment. As a non-traditional investor, Tim’s experience throughout the sports, media, and cultural landscape provides a unique ear-to-the-ground perspective for both entrepreneurs and investors alike.

Kapoor spent 6 years in sports and media, including at the National Football League and Madison Square Garden, before becoming an early-stage investor, most recently with LaunchCapital. Leveraging his experiences working with both professional leagues and teams, into a career in investing, Jay brings unique perspectives, insights, and empathy to the journey professional athletes will take, bridging their playing careers into their next professional steps.


Follow The Game Plan on Twitter: @thegameplanshow and Instagram: gameplanshow

Jay Kapoor: @jaykapoornyc

Tim Katt: @tim_katt

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